Ron's Liverpool Tram Site


Car 245
Car 293
Car 762
Car 869


Last Updated: 30 Sep 2015

CAR 245

Liverpool Corporation Passenger Transport "Baby Grand" car 245 was originally built in 1938 and operated up to the last day of the system on the 14th of September 1957. The "Baby Grand" cars were built as a smaller more economical version of the "Bogie Streamliner" cars. They had a single 9 foot EMB truck with 60HP motors. Car 245 participated in the final procession on the last day and was initially preserved by the corporation. Over the years the tram got into a poor state and ownership subsequently transferred to National Museums Liverpool. In 2006, 245 came under the custodianship of the Merseyside Tramway Preservation Society for restoration with this being completed in 2014.

The two views of car 245 here show it after restoration in 2014 at each end of the The Wirral Heritage Tramway:- at (left) Taylor Street, Birkenhead and (right) the Woodside Ferry Terminal adjacement to the River Mersey.