Ron's Liverpool Tram Site


Managers & Engineers


Last Updated: 29 Sep 2015


Liverpool Corporation Passenger Transport had a total of six General Managers during the period of their tram operations, from taking them over in 1897, upto the system closure in 1957. The 4th GM, Mr. Priestly had been ill for the last 4 years of his appointment. From his death in 1933 there was a period of about 10 months before a new GM was apppointed. During this time, the City Electrical Engineer, P. J. Robinson had some influence over the business.

General Managers

John O'Neill


C. R. Bellamy


C. W. Mallins


P. Priestly


W. G. Marks


W. M. Hall


John A Bodie was the Liverpool City Engineer between 1896 and 1926 and was in charge during a period when Liverpool undertook the most intensive single tramway construction project in Great Britain. During 1899 and 1900 the entire tram rail system was replaced when the old horse tram rails were replaced with different rails for electric trams.

Reginald J Heathman was appointed by the Transport Committee on the 1st of May 1935 as Engineering Draughtsman. At this time, Manager W G Marks was looking to introduce a better newer high-capacity car for the Liverpool system. Heathman first worked under the Rolling Stock & Works Engineer J S Ross and became responsible for the creation of the new tram fleet. He became best known for designing the bogie streamliner cars. In 1938 Heathman became Deputy Rolling Stock & Works Engineer. He finally succeeded J S Ross as Chief Engineer in 1945, a post which he retained until his death in 1955.